STAAT is a Majority, First Nations Woman-Owned Technology and Advisory Services Business
STAAT is an acronym for Straight Talk Advisory and Training Ltd which operates as a social enterprise. Our focus areas are:
- Helping First Peoples' accelerate their economic development and consultation initiatives.
- Assisting Non-Indigenous organizations with their reconciliation and partnership aspirations with First Peoples.
STAAT’s mission is to help create profits and jobs for First Peoples
Over the past 18 years , the STAAT team has been responsible for 10’s of millions of dollars in revenues, profits and wages being realized by First Peoples.
The STAAT Advisory Board
STAAT’s Advisory Board is comprised of Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders in their respective fields. The members provide their time and insights on a voluntary basis and are representative of the western provinces. They bring with them a combined 150+ years of experience associated with the following and much more:
- Indigenous economic development and entrepreneurialism
- Nation-to-Nation relations and negotiations
- Indigenous community leadership, administrative and financial oversight
- Traditional knowledge and land use expertise
- Creating innovative domestic and international business alliances
- Consultation and commercial negotiations
- Non-Treaty, Treaty, commercial and venture capital expertise
- Creation and commercialization of advanced technology solutions
- Origination through execution of training-to-employment initiatives
The members of the STAAT’s Advisory Board are:
Dan George: Former Chief of Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation in north/central BC with extensive construction and resource experience.
Alfred Goodswimmer: Former Chief of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern AB with expansive construction, resource and shipping infrastructure expertise.
Mike Lowe & Neil Gruniger: Co-Founders of Kidoodle.TV headquartered in AB.
Sandra Brooks: Retired lawyer and a member of Peepeekisis Cree Nation in SK
Dean Nawata: A third generation Japanese Canadian with advanced mining and resource development experience across Canada.